Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ode to Push-Overs

Ode to push-overs,

Ode to loud nose- in my business, wannabe better than every body else people,

I am sooooo FURIOUS!!!! Trying so hard to break me. Well you can't. Get a life and

Leave me the H%LL alone, Why is it so You think that you can walk all over me? Why do You think I'm a target? Im am so sick and tired of your childish ways, your behaviors of a CONTROL FREAK, your obvious ways do not intimidate me. Only worse , to point out that your raucous behavior only demeans what benevolent intentions you may have had, stripping you of all value and lower beyond the dirt on this earth. Is it my smile of SUNSHINE that I intend with exuding with every teardrop. Is it the radiant light that I gain to feed off of?

TODAY, you've chosen the wrong day to Piss me off, …..this is too is odd to point that not at all are we in the same boat.

DON'T TEST ME!!! I may come off as easy, lighthearted, happy go lucky,, and indeed it's true. BUT TODAY, I am your worst enemy, going head to head with your worst fear. Today I will show you how you behave, what type of soup you mixed when I'm Boiling.

Ode to Push overs, Ode to Loud-Nose, Attention Grabbing, Selfish, only thinking of themselves people

Ode to Push overs, Ode to them in my business

I am only silent because I let mystery lie in its own pond. It is at worst when I don't say a thing, this way you cannot read my thoughts. Lest I keep you wondering is my secret Kryptonite.

All my Life you have soared to be me, but you cant. There's only one of me. You have dug deep into your kindest moments only to half-@ss your ways. Burning deep in your soul, pretending in my face that you adored or cared for me but deep down it hurt you that you could never truly steal my joy. Day after Day you tried so hard to figure me out. Smiling in my face, offering me gifts that didn't come from your heart only to buy yourself friendship. Your biggest motivation was finding my happiest moments and your quest was to begin tearing me down. It's too late ! the wolf in your external sheepskin has already revealed itself to me. Jealousy indeed has been known to tear even Kings to smallness. KINGDOMS have been demolished.

It wont work for you , cant you see. Greater GOOD always prevails. Haven't you learned by now, that honey equals more bees? I feel sorry for you. I've given you so many chances hoping that you would grow, and change, but you can't help it. It's not your fault, nor is it my Burden to worry even the slightest bit about you. Funny to point that it was forthcoming that your day against mine would end. It may have taken its sweet time but no longer shall you pretend in my face that you care.

So as you see;

Each day I live , I live and learn

Each day is a new start with new Hopeful Blessing

Each day is a well-earned

Finding new things undiscovered to my ownself

So even I mustn't remain stagnant for growth remains stunted as so.

As excited as I am to venture out new things and break out of my shell

Each day brings joys never treaded or never imagined

As before stated clearly, I'm done, it's a wrap, find yourself another , because your lifeline with me has ended.

I am numb to all your calls, I once cared about your feelings and what you did.

You burned me dearly and I suffered by enduring your stressful energy

After dealing with all of your drama , my energy had changed in the past, but not now. Because I nearly died, and yet instead still alive, which simply means what doesn't kill you can only makes you stronger. So it is this divine energy that has given me the strength yet to rise without you.

So yes, sadly but true,

even though I've wiped you out my life completely, there's a small residue of your being that still exists..

So, Ode to loud nose- in my business, wannabe better than every body else people.

~Lawino J Otto~