Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! No more torturing yourself with someone else’s unrealistic goals.

So the year 2011 has already began and some of you are wondering where to start.

I give you my sincerest apologies for taking this long to write. One of my many goals this year is to share and write more.

Realistically My personal beginnings don’t start the same as everyone else’s, Mainly because time, for me , is such a relative time. In numerous occasions, I haven’t been able to account for the same activities on life’s spectrum as the average. My time is my time. The path I walk is neither the same nor similar to anyone else’s. You must create your own path to walk on, or in health’s perspective to “workout on”. The comparison’s of someone else’s current state must stop. It’s pretty hard to be able to accomplish a goal for your own self, if you are too busy waging your bets on someone else’s agenda. You honestly don’t know what it took for that person to get there. So ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! No more torturing yourself with someone else’s unrealistic goals.

Okay so here’s the truth… It may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. Healthy eating behaviors and physical activities that are orchestrated into exercises are the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Our bodies are our temples, and we must learn to care for and maintain them. There are countless benefits to physical fitness. You are never too young or too old to start exercising! Every bit helps. One step at a time, You can do it!

Regular exercise improves our cardiovascular health and can even improve our mental & emotional health. Physical fitness relieves stress by releasing endorphins and can serve as an outlet for frustration.

It’s okay to not know where to start. If it means trying everything to figure out what it is that you enjoy, SO be it!

There is a fitness program out there for everyone,

whether it is Yoga,




Weight Lifting,


or a Boot Camp Fitness Program,


Spin or even an aerobics class.

Exercise programs can specialize in gaining muscle, body toning, or losing weight.

You can make the best connections with those on the same or similar path. Give yourself a Chance.

· Find a program that is right for you and stick with it.

· Set an obtainable goal and work diligently towards achieving your goals.

· Learn to set new goals as you meet previous ones.

· And Most of all HAVE FUN with it!

Best Health wishes .

2011 has Arrived!!!

2011 has Arrived!!!

by Lawino Jules on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 12:23am

Blessings and a Happy New Year!!

I love the start of the New Year as it is such an exciting time well-spent after the previous year's Harvest season. It's that SPECIAL time that our Reflection moments have led us to start thinking (about all of the GOALS/things we want), to plan for and prepare to GO after them! If one of your New Year's resolutions is to become (more) fit and healthy let me know as I would love to assist in your JOURNEY ;o) ..Best Health Wishes and Prosperous Beginnings!!!
