Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It Goes Much Deeper than we think

It goes much deeper than we think,

Sometimes in life we all stumble upon speed bumps that make
us really think deeply about what is really relevant in life!

I am thankful for even the things that I do not understand

A few days ago, an incident happened to me in which I felt
betrayed by someone in whom I held my utmost confident in.

I couldn’t believe how serious I took the matter into my
hands, instead of brushing it off lightly, those actions led me to complete

Those feelings that I Once longed to forget, the feelings of
nothingness, loneliness, paranoia , and skepticism

Those feelings indeed ate me up inside, made me realize how
important certain characters in our life are.

Instead I could have just let it go, but I just couldn’t,
once again , as usual, it put me in a sour mood for the entire day, only
because I really coudn’t figure out why and what had really happened, then I
continued to ponder and ponder and Until I really couldn’t stand myself for
that moment.

I wanted to allow
only happy warm thoughts in my mind, my body and soul. But those feelings of
betrayal layed down so heavy that my heart began to leak, it leaked feelings of
despair ,anger, and confusion. Indeed it led me to quietness, in which in my
world is completely foreign. So anyhow, since I haven’t quiet gotten the hang
of this thing called “effective expressionism of our deepest feelings “to a
tee, I then will resort to silence. Because it is within our silence in which
we are allowed to think freely and let our mind wander. Often times we are
caught up in trivial matters that don’t aid us in development. If for just a
short moment we can allow ourselves the rich rewards of silence, we can then open up feelings of
confidence and reassurance.

Forgive me if I don’t takes things that are only meant to be
taken from the surface as so but; in reality, what lies above us is also what
lies mysteriously within us. We can never be too sure of others’ intentions but
our own. One thing for sure though, is that my guard will definitely be a
little more observant than before.

Once again in moments of silence, it is goes much deeper, much ,much deeper that we think

~Lawino J Otto~