Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nature's gift from GOD!!

Nature's gift from GOD!!
 Philippians 2:14-15"Mode"

As I woke up today, I didn’t feel the need to stay motivated. Instead , I wanted to do just the opposite and sulk in NONSENSE failures. After about 12:30ish , I realized that not only was I wasting my minutes and time, but I was also being a BRAT. A year ago , I complained for not having enough time off from work. I had wished for greener grass. And now faced with it , I couldn’t remember that I had just gotten what I had wanted.  Therefore why am I still finding fault from my deck of cards??

As a result, for not being motivated I ran to the Post Office, Filled up my tank with gas, Ran to the gym for what I call fusion ( I will explain at a later time) …ran to quick local grocery and whipped up dinner for my mom. From this moment and going forward I have decided to remind myself to find something that motivates me. Strength, Accomplishment, & deep Gratitude are my main reasons to keep going. I find strength in my natural-born abilities. I appreciate the legs on my body that allow me to run. Next , I give joy to My heart beating steady to keep me alive. I thank God for my family and friends. 

Tonight's Dinner: Baked Curry Wings accmpanied with Fresh Onion Sauteed Asparagus

The List goes on…
In Conclusion, I have chosen to see the SUN and feel it caress my face. 

Come, let us SMILE together AGAIN..…Nature's gift from GOD surrounds us!! 

I am Simply enjoying my Time off from work with a few hobbies I enjoy....Cooking, Gym, & blogging, My dinner is shown in the above Pix

 Today's Fitness Regimen

Ø 45 Min Brisk Jog ,
Ø Free Weights
     – Cable Leg Kickbacks for Glutes 15Lbs ( 2 Sets X 20 reps)
                                                             20Lbs (1Set X 15 reps)
Ø Cable  Triceps pull downs 35LBS (2X15), Last Set 40Lbs (12)
Ø Cable  Biceps Curl 35LBS (2X15), Last Set 40LBS (12)
Ø Swiss Ball Crunch with 6lbs/Ball 2x20
Ø Ball Roll-ups 3x15
Ø Back Extensions with 5Lbs disc , 3x15
And at the End I treated myself to a 30 Min Dry Sauna ;-)

Nutrient intake
ü Bfast 2 Boiled Eggs, dry wht toast, 1 small orange, black coffee
ü Snack 1 small apple, 7 oz Lowfat Cottage chz
ü Snack 2 1 cup of Celery Sticks
ü Lunch Protein Shake ( ½ apple, vanilla whey protein, ½ cup skim milk )
ü Snack 3  Marathon Bar
ü Dinner  2 cups of (fresh) Asparagus, black coffee w/½ cup of eggnog, 3 baked curry wings, ( 1 Gal of H2O throughout the day)