Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 ; here we go!

HERE's to a happy healthy year! I welcome 2012!  Start making changes today; don’t put it off any longer. Imagine never having to worry about losing weight again. It is possible, when you change the way you look at living. A healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and an active exercise program makes it easy to maintain your weight and fitness. Once you start living it, benefits like a healthy, strong and beautiful body make it a lifestyle you will cherish. This week I've taken a new approach to creating change; One day at a time is my new theme!  I sat down an came up with a quick list and hope this helps .... I didn't have the time to put pictures on my blog , so for now until further notice, you will see photo-less entries. please forgive me, it's a long story for another entry.  So here goes. HAPPY NEW YEAR & best health regards!!! list of fat burning foods: Brown rice Beans Broccoli Egg whites Turkey breast Whole wheat pasta Bell peppers Mushrooms Onions (shallots, chives, scallions & leeks) Greens (collard, turnip & mustard) Tilapia Trout Wild Alaskan salmon Oatmeal Cucumbers Berries Spinach Bananas Bison Avocado Whole Grain cereal Hot Peppers (jalapeno, habanero, serrano) Green Tea Chicken breast Tuna Olive oil Pork loin Sardines Parsnips Carrots Radishes Butternut squash Romaine lettuce Brussels Sprouts Asparagus Watermelon Sweet potatoes Apples Lemons & Limes Garlic Protein Rich Choices When it comes to Weightloss , you have to balance everything! Not only will these foods actually boost the metabolism when you eat them but they’re also going to preserve your lean muscle mass. 1.Try to incorporate these items in your diet. 2.You will need to try your best to prepare them yourself as much as possible. 3. Stay away from the fried options. 4. Bake, grill, sauté, boil, broil  5. Stay away from rich creamy sauces  6. H20 , H20 , & more water!!!!  7. it's okay to portion control 8. Don't let yourself get hungry , eat small , frequent meals 4-6/day to ensure that you are burning fat & not storing. 9. It takes time  10. Stay FOCUSED & have an EXCELLENT attitude !  "When You cease to focus on the things You LOVE its when NOTHING else matters...PERIOD."--LawinoJ

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nature's gift from GOD!!

Nature's gift from GOD!!
 Philippians 2:14-15"Mode"

As I woke up today, I didn’t feel the need to stay motivated. Instead , I wanted to do just the opposite and sulk in NONSENSE failures. After about 12:30ish , I realized that not only was I wasting my minutes and time, but I was also being a BRAT. A year ago , I complained for not having enough time off from work. I had wished for greener grass. And now faced with it , I couldn’t remember that I had just gotten what I had wanted.  Therefore why am I still finding fault from my deck of cards??

As a result, for not being motivated I ran to the Post Office, Filled up my tank with gas, Ran to the gym for what I call fusion ( I will explain at a later time) …ran to quick local grocery and whipped up dinner for my mom. From this moment and going forward I have decided to remind myself to find something that motivates me. Strength, Accomplishment, & deep Gratitude are my main reasons to keep going. I find strength in my natural-born abilities. I appreciate the legs on my body that allow me to run. Next , I give joy to My heart beating steady to keep me alive. I thank God for my family and friends. 

Tonight's Dinner: Baked Curry Wings accmpanied with Fresh Onion Sauteed Asparagus

The List goes on…
In Conclusion, I have chosen to see the SUN and feel it caress my face. 

Come, let us SMILE together AGAIN..…Nature's gift from GOD surrounds us!! 

I am Simply enjoying my Time off from work with a few hobbies I enjoy....Cooking, Gym, & blogging, My dinner is shown in the above Pix

 Today's Fitness Regimen

Ø 45 Min Brisk Jog ,
Ø Free Weights
     – Cable Leg Kickbacks for Glutes 15Lbs ( 2 Sets X 20 reps)
                                                             20Lbs (1Set X 15 reps)
Ø Cable  Triceps pull downs 35LBS (2X15), Last Set 40Lbs (12)
Ø Cable  Biceps Curl 35LBS (2X15), Last Set 40LBS (12)
Ø Swiss Ball Crunch with 6lbs/Ball 2x20
Ø Ball Roll-ups 3x15
Ø Back Extensions with 5Lbs disc , 3x15
And at the End I treated myself to a 30 Min Dry Sauna ;-)

Nutrient intake
ü Bfast 2 Boiled Eggs, dry wht toast, 1 small orange, black coffee
ü Snack 1 small apple, 7 oz Lowfat Cottage chz
ü Snack 2 1 cup of Celery Sticks
ü Lunch Protein Shake ( ½ apple, vanilla whey protein, ½ cup skim milk )
ü Snack 3  Marathon Bar
ü Dinner  2 cups of (fresh) Asparagus, black coffee w/½ cup of eggnog, 3 baked curry wings, ( 1 Gal of H2O throughout the day)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

As I shift my focus to Me, Myself & I

As I shift my focus
Here are the things I am currently working on ….

List 1: Things to accomplish within the next 3 months

Pay off credit cards
Reach target ideal weight goal
Re-enroll in school
On to the next work project……
These are all things that I’ve been meaning to do and get done.

More to come…

Learn how to tips and tricks in swimming, rockclimb, skydive…..

Me…. A complete self-discovery
·       Part one is to identify my likes and dislikes
·       Part Two is to embrace my dislikes & change them into likes

·      Three is to create new hobbies

Keep posted… for more
                                                                   Best Health Wishes….

It's Harvest Time

Harvest Time!!!

It’s HARVEST Time again & time for another Focus! For those of you who’ve just joined the blog, I’ve been gradually working my way through transforming myself into a better person. These past few days have been amazing. I’m blogging as I am in Cali. It’s my first time here. I’m so EXCITED to be here. Being here has allowed me the necessary decompression that I have needed, that ordinarily I wouldn’t have gotten in my hometown. Time off from work and normal day to day is AMAZING. I’m not sure if it’s me, but there’s no place like home!

I miss the FREEDOM of jumping in my car, whenever and however I choose, My brisk morning jogs and the wind blowing in my face as I feel the sun beating on  my skin..
I miss my sweatheart, He knows who he is . I miss the spark in his eyes when we’re together.
The things we take for granted are the things we can appreciate much more when we are deprived.

Enjoying the View at the Santa Monica Pier in California, Fall 2011   

I am gradually learning to let go of thing especially, the things that hold us captive and paralyze us. The biggest one is technology. Let’s just say that in the last 10 days, if it could happen, it did.

First two days before I flew out from Atlanta, my Slim-touchscreen personal phone cracked and shattered after it made its way to the floor. Ordinarily I would SCREAM, be upset, gripe, B**TCH, and lose my cool. But not in this instance.  Nonetheless, what reason need I be upset? I mean, come to think of it. I have another phone to use (my work phone of course). Though uncomfortable, It’s still something I can use.  Next I get to the airport and of course, I had the hardest time finding my battery charger for my camera & worse, I bought one at the airport and guess what!!!!  It didn’t work!

                             In addition, To Extend my phone’s battery life, I, being impatient, decided to purchase a juicepack plus for my iPhone & it too was a LEMON! AHHHH!!!!! , Right?

So here are the Lessons I've learned 

Lesson 1: preparation is Key
Lesson 2: Control your Controllables!
Lesson 3: Learn to appreciate EVERYTHING that you encounter, b/c it too may disappear before you’re able to appreciate it!

I cannot wait to get back in town as it seems. So day one I have to find a protective hairstyle that will allow me to still find the joy in Fitness. It’s been more than a week and I haven’t had a pure sweat moment. It feels so different. I think it provides me with energy. Next, I realize why I Love Fruits and Veggies. They’re Natural & keep you regular ( and I mean that in the most modest way possible). If I’m allowed the time, I will detox & flush out my system , once again. When it comes down to it, It’s the balance in life that keeps us in harmony.

                                    I am finding a better way to defend myself when it comes to being the fitness advocate that I am. Enjoy everything in moderation & don’t take it for granted! At least this way, when it’s gone, you are left with the good memories or able to value its importance.

 So a week before, I left my workplace. I was caught in the act of indulging in one of my weaknesses, LP wings,Lemon Pepper wings. I Love ‘em .  I had gone almost ten weeks in moderation and moreover saw a deficit of 22 lbs…

                                      Come’On!!!!! Gimmee a break!

    I had also lessened the amount of alcohol that had I not been conscious about, wouldn’t have been party to diminish. So at any rate, the news spread like wildfire. It was the talk of the entire breakroom. The statement that was made, was a bit harsh , but I understand how someone would think that way. It was the first time, this particular individual had seen me eat something that wasn’t healthy. He said he didn’t even know I was capable of doing that. My response was, “yea, I eat junk occasionally, but just not on a regular basis”. It’s funny , I laughed about it , b/c it was silly. He couldn’t believe what he saw  that he insisted on taking a picture for future reference.LOL...

Anyway as I am shifting my focus to discovering myself on a deeper level, I hope to inspire many or encourage everyone to harvest themselves in the important things in life.  let's take this journey together....

Best health wishes as always and happy November, it's a NEW dey, new month and NEW YEAR!......
