Wednesday, July 15, 2009

relief of my day

So I'm sitting here in front of my desk top.... Bored to Death

My long lost love, ( BLOGGING) ....we meet again..

Just when a plain jog in the park won't do.. I'm back to free-lance writing . Whatever comes to mind first. No rhyme or rhythm, Just thoughts on paper.

- I know I need to focus...but WOW....what a weekend and it only gets more adventures as the new season as began , just trying to juggle life in general..Balancing is becoming more and more challenging. The sad but true thing, is that I am ONLY talking about myself in general. I haven't come to the time in my life where it's ( a husband, kids, career, and me).....

With that being said it's JUST ME and still I'm not balanced. I vow to take care of myself greatly so that I welcome myself into the Sexxxy 30's...With less than 2yrs left to hit that number. I must go Steady FORWARD.

When I feel mis-aligned, it usually means I'm unbalanced also =(.

-with all these quick events occurring so close in proximity, it's not really all that hard to really see why someone's world could almost turn upside down.

Anyhow, Tomorrow is another day to refocus and re-align......I will begin my focus on ME again...... Many more things to come.....I am truly excited for my personal life, as also I am working on all of my individual one on one relationships. Communication is definitely Key, so as a result never again will I continue to harbor feelings beyond that moment. Going forth, if So and when I feel frustrated with someone about whatever, I'll be sure to release it back in the air so that I can rest my head at night and hopefully resolve it with that person. So as I retire into the night......

.Best Health wishes as always.

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