Thursday, October 14, 2010

Go Make it Happen!

Yesterday I decided to make sure that I use some of my personal wealth of knowledge to good use. So I decided to brainstorm on different topics and subjects that interest me and affect me in some shape or form. The first topic of choice is Health and Fitness.

Although , I don’t have a set blog just for fitness, I guess any start is better than no start. I must begin with a disclaimer. I’m in no means a substitute for anyone to use my knowledge better that their own judgment or to disregard a physician’s recommendation. I am compelled to write and share because I have spent many years researching and being in the field. Many of my friends have even come to me for questions, so it is with great honor and leisure that I have decided to go ahead and put my words on paper. If you are open-mind, truthful about who you are and don’t mind an eye-opener or two, you’re welcome. If you oppose truth as it comes mainly from my personal experiences and my unique background, then you may not like anything that I have to say. Anyhow if I think of anything else, I will let you know. Make sure that when reading any of this material that you don’t take anything personal. Once again, thanks.


Top Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Start a Workout Plan, Stay on Task and Reach Goals

1# Set Specific Realistic Goals

---Write down attainable goals, Write down your desires,

2# Write down your motivation factor

---Write down why you are doing this and what is the purpose and what will be gained with this new action

--ex. A Vacation, a Reunion, Feel more energy , live longer ,Challenge, A Wedding

3# Ask for Help when needed

--If you’re unsure what body type you’re affecting with the desired activity don’t be afraid to ask

--Don’t be shy if you are using new equipment and need assistance with proper form and technique.

--Keep in mind that QUALITY is always more important than QUANTITY when it comes to your health.

--You can injure yourself further if you do a Large amount of Quantity with incorrect technique , than if you had done a fewer Quality amount with proper technique

4# Use Varieties of excercises

--Try Jogging, Swimming, brisk walking for cardio

-- Mix it up or do Combo

--also activities such as skateboarding and rock-climbing count.

5# Keep it Simple and Fun

--Don’t complicate the workout, you are just beginning your journey and need to just get the fundamentals down

6# Set time aside

--setting specific times that you can do this will ensure that you are actually dedicated and also means that you are less than likely to stray from this schedule.

7# Reward yourself when a goal is met

-Rewards should not include decadent treats such as a drive to a fast-food restaurant or a fully-loaded hot-fudge sundae

8# Keep a LOG

--Those that keep a logs are always the most successful

--A Log can be as simple as a “blog” or even just a list of all the activities and exercises that you completed. This should also include time of day, how many repetitions, time of activity ( how long was the activity)

--If you are unable to see what worked and what didn’t, how are you supposed to move forward?

--If you don’t know what didn’t make you successful, how are you supposed to deviate to a successful plan?

--How do you measure results if you are unable to track your progress?

9# Get Fit for free
You don't need to hire a personal trainer to get in shape. There's a ton of free and affordable training Perhaps go to a bookstore and get magazines or books, These books have demonstrations. Go online, your bound to stumble on useful tips and idea.

If all else fails….. just go outside! ….there are parks everywhere, if you live in a subdivision with a decent amount of areas to walk…Walk Outside.

10# Make it a habit

--Your Health should be a Priority, Without it , I can guarantee your quality of life won’t be

-- A healthy person is also a happier and more satisfied individual

-- The same way you’ve made brushing your teeth and taking a shower a habit, should be the same amount of dedication and regularity that you give to your health.

In Summation : Out of order…Own your Motivation, Set Realistic Goals, Make it a habit, and begin with the free things in Life. If things get boring , spice your workouts by changing the type of exercises, duration of activity and using different frequencies.GO Make it Happen!

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