Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I hate this feeling.......confudismo

I hate this feeling….Confudismo

I named it confudismo

To signify the feeling I have

It is exactly what it sounds like

A feeling of confusion

I hate this feeling… the feeling of the unknown.

The feeling that I may not know you as well as I think

Are you thinking of me as I am of you

Silly questions as those steady lingering in my mind

I just wanna cry

Should I continue ?

Or should I move on

The past days, weeks, months doing it without you..

How did I become so vulnerable?

Im just so confused

So confused in not knowing what I should do….

It sucks…when did I fall in Love?

When did it happen

I convinced myself this time that I wouldn’t give in

Since when did I tell you it was okay

All I can do is occupy my mind with other thoughts in order to function

Trying my best to not think of you

Hugging my pillow tight, late at nights with thoughts of you

Was that what you meant when you said that I should worry about what I used to do before I met you?

How Dare you say those hurtful words?

How could you?

Well thank you for this opportunity, for allowing me to spend time alone to think

It’s not so easy to see how someone can go from caring to nothing

A breath of fresh air has come my way, this breath of air has come my way and made me feel ever so exhilarated.

This fresh air has empowered me enough to see my missed calls without the feeling of panic

I will refuse to allow you to control my feelings…

The “You” that I thought I knew disappointed me.

Slowly , but yet surely, until the point of no return.

But it’s alright , I’m over it

Meanwhile you’ve done whatever on your own,

and me on my own to create the definition of this confudismo that has resulted with this answer which is clairvoyant

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