Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I hate this feeling.......confudismo

I hate this feeling….Confudismo

I named it confudismo

To signify the feeling I have

It is exactly what it sounds like

A feeling of confusion

I hate this feeling… the feeling of the unknown.

The feeling that I may not know you as well as I think

Are you thinking of me as I am of you

Silly questions as those steady lingering in my mind

I just wanna cry

Should I continue ?

Or should I move on

The past days, weeks, months doing it without you..

How did I become so vulnerable?

Im just so confused

So confused in not knowing what I should do….

It sucks…when did I fall in Love?

When did it happen

I convinced myself this time that I wouldn’t give in

Since when did I tell you it was okay

All I can do is occupy my mind with other thoughts in order to function

Trying my best to not think of you

Hugging my pillow tight, late at nights with thoughts of you

Was that what you meant when you said that I should worry about what I used to do before I met you?

How Dare you say those hurtful words?

How could you?

Well thank you for this opportunity, for allowing me to spend time alone to think

It’s not so easy to see how someone can go from caring to nothing

A breath of fresh air has come my way, this breath of air has come my way and made me feel ever so exhilarated.

This fresh air has empowered me enough to see my missed calls without the feeling of panic

I will refuse to allow you to control my feelings…

The “You” that I thought I knew disappointed me.

Slowly , but yet surely, until the point of no return.

But it’s alright , I’m over it

Meanwhile you’ve done whatever on your own,

and me on my own to create the definition of this confudismo that has resulted with this answer which is clairvoyant

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why is the thought of Losing weight or getting in shape always ...NEGATIVE and quiet often associated with the word diet? ----

Why is the thought of Losing weight or getting in shape always ...NEGATIVE and quiet often associated with the word diet? ----

So Quite often when I am in conversation with my trainees, I hear this so often. I hear the comments like oh it’s just not fun WORKING out. I also hear “I’m trying a new Diet to jump start quick weight-loss, then I promise I’ll be ready for your hard workouts”. Comments like these make me cringe.

  • Why is the thought of Losing weight or getting in shape always equated with "Diet" or that "Diet= a negative thing? The true definition of a diet is the daily intake of what a person eats and drinks. So, instead of using the Word Diet as an adjective or verb why not as a Noun?

As an adjective it means, it means some kind of strict regimen that excludes unhealthy foods. It simply bears both meanings. It also describes a certain type of food or meal used to manage weight.

Here it is straight out of a dictionary:

diet /di·et/ (di´it) the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day; more narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific requirements of the individual, including or excluding certain foods.di´etary

Well I do see the connection with diet and Exercise. There is a direct correlation. But the Word diet as an adjective revolves around a stagnant condition with no room for improvement.

In other words, I guess I pretty much can say here’s where I disagree with several. Honestly I think diet should be a lifestyle! I also think that your dietician and physician would agree with me. There is no temporary action or “quick fix”. Good weight-loss/weight management programs integrate daily exercise and healthy eating choices that should be practiced without letting up.

Ok. So let me begin by saying that typical diets often promote short term results. Many diets do not recommend calorie burning physical activity, as many people don’t want to participate in exercise. This also is another way to entertain the idea that exercise is a waste of time. Other diets completely ignore healthy eating, also again misleading people. Popular diets, especially fad diets, simply restrict calories and avoid nutrition, which often temporarily results in weight loss. However, lifestyle changes are more appropriate for success, and for optimal weight loss, health and body reshaping.

I don’t fault every single method, because for the most part, the disclaimers are usually disclosed such as it may only result in temporary results and to continue the same effects the dieter may need to remain on it. Fine, what about considerations for longevity, or even energy? Energy hasn’t even been discussed as a discouraging factor for long-term weight-loss. I guess I could save that discussion entirely for another day.

Anyhow, POINT-BLANK….long term prospects are not encouraged. The long-term effects are not met in discovery of the action of “dieting”, sadly disappointing the Dieter. The Dieter all over again finds out the hard way, that it’s a vicious cycle that is hard and unrealistic. It’s definitely a steep-time consuming price to pay for minimal, temporary results.

Is it worth it?

Probably NOT,

--since the dieter will have to start over again, only to find themselves where they began.

Wow, so back to my original Question…The Reason why the term diet has been construed to be something negative is once again the fast paced world that we live in that tells us that if we take our time to do something , we are missing out and wasting time. It’s the same society that allows us the opportunity to hae everything at our fingertips. So the amount of energy that we put on surfing the web, finishing a text message, or even following someone’s tweets could be amounted to at least 15,30 and even an easy 45 minutes in your day that you didn’t even know existed. So where did that time go? Nowhere, the time was just re-used for something non-essential that probably didn’t even add time to your life. But the truth in taking the time to care for your body over time is that that your life can be prolonged and guaranteed a better quality of life. The same place that mocks us if we are behind on times, also wants us to maintain a level of appearance that yields health. The only way shown to us in media is with the quick fixes focused on diets or even worse surgeries that could be prevented. A proper reminder should include the time span in which certain diseases are developed gradually such as heart disease like ( atherosclerosis) or even obesity. These diseases did not occur overnight. It Would be a LIE to say they did. Their development occurred over time and at that, not a speedy rate. So in a sense, why not a reminder that those same concerted efforts to reach undesirable levels can be concluded in the same way with healthier habits and increased physical activity level. So this should be turned into a POSITIVE statement, b/c it’s exactly the same consideration. It goes both way and not discriminatory on the process.

In SHORT, Diet should name the action, not be the action!