Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Randomness.....Fun Facts about me

Fun Facts about me.................or more or less Trivial things about me..

I Haven't Fooled around with these sort of games/trivial things for a while, I thought it would be an awesome way for me to reach out to all my buddies/readers all in one.

So Here Goes...........
1. I always refuse to admit_____ ~ well, not always, but i do have a hard time admitting  that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE COFFEE. I'd say it but deny my inner addiction...98% of the time. It just doesn't roll off the tongue easily.
I could quit , but why?.....( said like a true addict)

2. I won’t eat ____ ~ Ham... Bacon... or Pork for that matter. Actually I've tasted all three on a dare or trial basis to see if I was really missing out on anything and it turns out that neither of the three sound appealing to me.
3. I would like to hang out with _____________ for a day & Forever~ my DAD, RIP....God Rest his Soul.... Now that he's gone I realize I didn't take advantage of sitting down with him often enough  and didn't complete all my thoughts with him. I miss him so MUCH & think of him daily. Some days more than others, I get fixated on the moment.Awww Papa , I how I Love thee!

4. I would like to learn or experience how to __________ ~ skydiving, going to south america, backpacking to a foreign country where I don't speak a lick of the language, & surfing... The only Problem is I don't actually want to learn, I just want to experience all of them. OK Just kidding, I think that the learning processing is the EXPERIENCE.

5. Last but not least ........My favorite color is ...                                 ~ Changing by day, Purple, then Green , then Soft pink..... but it depends on my mood

I'm falling asleep soon.... Until next time , Best Health Wishes !! ~LawinoJ

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