Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Progress as it comes .....SCREAM!!!




I've been stuck at 148 since the Last week of Sept  (2011 0f course) ....Okie-Doke...Still I'm Excited to see the progress, down 18 succesfull LBS.. But need to get off an additional 12 Lbs to fully be satisfied.!

PURE Frustration & Moments of Celebration all at the same time..

Party time , once I reach my GOAL!!!!!!

Love......it's going beautifully & 'm happy in all other aspects of my life except for this one.
I'm such a stickler for hitting my goals.. I do have to admit that this entire weekend I cheated , so truthfully , I can only blame myself. To top it off, Kickboxing this month has been non-existent.
Tomorrow will have to mark a new beginning to tweak my exercise and diet again. It seems I am where I always PLATEAU, give or take like +-4 Lbs. WOO-SAH...... So now you know....More updates Soon.....
                                                                          Wishes .....LawinoJ

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