Sunday, September 11, 2011


Several of my Friends and Family have asked me this question….and especially lately since many have taken to notice I tend to drink one a day ( a cup of TEA) especially when I am DETOXING..More importantly, Green TEA is the one I’m referring to. So I decided to go ahead and write at least 10 reasons I could think of. MOST importantly I use # 4  and find it to be true from personal experience. As with any other natural remedies, results are usually individual and do not work for everyone. So my disclaimer is: do it at your own risk and don’t try to follow me if you are not aware of your own body and how it works. By No means am I certified to advise many but I can only claim my personal experiences .My main focus is to answer a few things and also share with you my personal experience. So crazy as it goes….

This is the list of benefits of GREEN TEA which I’ve found as I Have read and studied about over the years.

1.     It is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
2.     It is used for treatment and prevention of cancer.
3.     It is used to stop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
4.     It is used to raise the metabolism and increase fat oxidation.
5.     It reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of thrombosis.
6.     It reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. 

7.     Drinking green tea inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
8.     It is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases
9.     It is used to treat impaired immune function. .
10.                       Some researches show that, drinking green tea regularly may help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes the dental plaque 


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