Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tracking My Progress……9/11/2011…Here I am as follows……

Tracking My Progress……9/11/2011…Here I am as follows……

Ok so I'm Tracking My Progress……9/11/2011…Here I am as follows……Drumroll please.......tum-tum chi!...

After 35 days of changing course on my workouts and 28days of changing my nutrition regimen,
I am at a deficit of -13 lbs.  It’s great news for me. It’s a bit fast , but it’s because I’ve gone a bit EXTREME. I figured, I’d charge it to the game. Not only am I keeping a journal, but I’ve employed the assistance of electronic gadgets. For my B-day, My honey bought me a heart rate polar watch to motivate me. I also occasionally use “My Fitness Pal” app. It’s amazing, it gives me the charts.

My Progress on the Fitness Pal App

example : breakfast
I am doing it all. First I have scheduled at least 3 work-outs and actually put them into my google calendar. I have noticed that the more and more I put more time into work, the less time I have for myself. I don’t know if that’s normal for anyone else. I find myself with less and less time to think. In my recollection of memories, my greatest times were the times I dedicated at least an hour or two to think. During those times, I usually was at a local park, fitness center or Recreational center. My thoughts have always been rampant and random. I fundamentally use it for thinking about what I could accomplish on that day or going forward. It gives me the opportunity to also create new goals or meditate on my past behaviors.

If you are not familiar with "My fitness Pal" then.....Read Below
My Fitness Pal app has categories, such breakfast items.
It show's such categories such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, & etc. It gives the calories needed to stay within the targeted daily goal and also if you go over, it tells you.

My old routine was also extreme. I would get up at 4:45 am, Head out the door by 5:15, get to MARTA ( Doraville ) and by  6:00am or 6:15ish I would be at the rec center. I would be on treadmill or track upstairs 4th level for my 60 minute run, followed by a calm 30 mins recumbent bike or 30 min swim. I would do this on mon/wed & fri.   My pre-workout  meal would be either a cup of apple cinnamon oatmeal with two scrambled egg whites or ½  marathon bar (snickers) this was a treat because it tasted like candy. Occasionally I would eat an apple , as well as ½ protein bar of sorts ( the brand didnt matter). In those days I was kind of new to independent fitness. I had finished my first year of college and visited my alma mater and gone to my younger sisters graduation. Shes actually a year younger than me and was always a grade behind me. At that graduation I bumped into some of my former classmates and at that time, I guess it was a reality check.
I refuse to put names to the comments, but this was the time that someone had said, “Oh my, You look so different, I didnt recognize you!”.    I was assuming they meant I look different because I had just shaved my head almost two months prior to her graduation. Really they were referring to my size. I had gone from being like no more than size 4 (125lbs at most), to my new size of almost 14 ( 182lbs) . Ok so I get it. It was an INSANE image of what was formally recognizable to anyone who had known me in high-school. Me, of all people a fitness enthusiast , was out of whack at the time. I really was in denial. I hadnt grasped reality. Come to think of it, that same statement could have been done in the reverse. If I had stayed away for a year and came back close to 60lbs less, then YES, I could say that is definitely enough talk for the entire neighborhood.

What was I thinking? 

What had happened? How did I even progress to that stage?
Its crazy , looking back. Each time I think about that insane time in my life, I begin to rip apart all of the elements. I guess you can say that I did take the “freshmen” 15 out of proportion. I suppose if I was trying to prove that I could accomplish anything, then I did. I proved that not only could I lean on the stereotype of freshmen 15, but I had done it better than most. I almost doubled that stereotype.  Its good that I love a challenge. Because shortly after those comments were made, I decided to make myself a goal and wouldnt stop at anything. It was definitely slow, but steady. I cannot recall the exact date , but let me tell you . From Like June 2003 to August 2003, I had already lost 30 lbs and it put me at 152lbs.  I then made new fitness friends that fall that preferred to work out after class, which meant like 6pm. I kept my am work out and also did after class workouts 2x a week that fall semester & added the ab blast 20 minutes to  my workouts.

If you have a smartphone put this code to get this AWESOME fitness app!!!!

It was truly honoring, looking back , to see the kind of influence and transformation that I went through. I was definitely on the “I can do all things”-Phil 4:13 Mode. It was VERY difficult to sway me any other direction. I can even remember the days when I had  started clubbing with friends. I didn’t even engage in alcoholic beverages in those days. Call me LAME, but I didn’t care. I was the envy of most of my company, whether I got complimented or criticized. That sort of Bravery and Courage are what I am aiming to get back to in 2011 . My pre-game consisted of a nice evening meal,Lots of Gatorade & water, and that am I would do my traditional 60 minute run . Around 3 , 5, and even 6 am , friends would want to do the McD’s run or even Waffle run, of course I would go , but for the most part , I kept granola bars in my car and carried occasional apples, bananas, and oranges. Those were always my favorite snacks. Water bottles were a staple in my car. You could find those year round in my vehicle or all over my pantry on fridge. Overall, around February 2004 I had actually made it to 130lbs, I was back to 4 and size wasn’t too hard to squeeze into. I had lost a lot of bust , but I didn’t care. I pretty much had CONQUERED what for me initially was a wake up call.  

As usual, close family and friends became a bit concerned and kept asking me if I had employed unhealthy behaviors. It wasn’t true. I did it all with dedication. In 2004, that was the year I became a certified Personal Trainer with AFFA & got a job a the local BALLY’s. I taught group classes, senior fit aqua aerobics, & also became the weekend front desk manager.  I did it for roughly two years and also changed my major that spring from Pre-Nursing to Exercise Science. 

So now it was complete. I went from a chubby girl to an extra fit local “guru”.
Anyhow, now you know my secret, this was my health story. But I’m creating a   new one and more to come. I appreciate the encouragement and feedback that I have received over the years. It has helped me mold my priorities and change my image over and over again. 

That’s the beautiful thing about life; it’s all about the many chances we are given to make changes over & over again. I am blessed enough to have been surrounded once again by people who constantly remind me either about my health or further more push me to my next limits.

Until next time, Best Health wishes….Lawino-J

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