Friday, September 9, 2011

How external factors may sabotage your weightless & health maintenance goals!!

1.  Lol.... This is even more interestingly funny to me. 
The family & friends that normally are stingy when it comes to offering goodies seem or appear more generous than normal. .. All of a sudden they are buying ice-cream for you or "intentionally" eating sweets around you like your favorite pound cake or velvet ice-cream. Then once again, you've already confessed your commitment to health &fitness; they continue to probe you on all the reasons that its just one time; how possibly this one time couldn't potentially affect all the others.....

( Quick Fix: let them know that you are not completely opposed to the cakes &sweets; however you'll take them on their offer at a different time. )

2. The new hangout offers have CONVENIENTLY transitioned to Buffets & Brunches rather than the old skool offer of 'meeting' for coffee or a drink.....these two Bs are probably the most sabotaging. For one in buffets , just because there are so many things presented before you.... The temptations to splurge is just too great. Even if you are only pinching a little here & a little there.......those "littles" turn into Biggies. Plus you also occasionally run into over-indulging too much of one food group rather a true variety.

3. It's easier to find friends who are hungry that to find friends who are aching to go for a run! This one never fails in my crazy but true. It's easy to find one for a quick consultation , who will be will to semi- support you on your journey on day one, but a few days later they have already lost interest. YES, let's go a bit further..... So you leave them at the beginning of the starting line & as you approach the finish......they continue to ask you how you're so much ahead of them!  The facts are simple, you stuck it out!!!!!! When everyone else fell off the initial wagon, you stayed on board. And for that,'ve almost Made it.

( quick fix #1: suggest physical get- togethers..... Perhaps a park, a dancing social, or even a yoga event ) -- quick fix #2: everyone loves free , find a local free event that may involve some physical event rather fixated or geared towards food.... For example, a county fair ....

4. Depressing days are fixated around using food as a cure.... The ice-cream or cake, or cookie once again... I get this, and personally for me I keep referring to the cake or the ice-cream... (thEsE were my main sabotages) ( quick fix# 1: food is not the answer) -- quick fix# 2: refer back to your journal of success  to remind you of how far you've travelled.

5. Last but not least.... Your company...the company you keep or associate with has a whole lot to do with many of your decisions. It's only natural for us to want to feel socially accepted and please those around us. So we try to hide our differences to blend in. In addition we tend to listen to even those who don't have the same goals as us , to give us advice.

(quick fix# 1:  Remain Strong & Focused on your journey
Quick fix # 2: your receipt of advice should come from those with like-minded individuals Quick fix # 3: all others may provide perspective, but as explained before ... Only keep it in perspective ;-) ----

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