Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Progress as it comes .....SCREAM!!!




I've been stuck at 148 since the Last week of Sept  (2011 0f course) ....Okie-Doke...Still I'm Excited to see the progress, down 18 succesfull LBS.. But need to get off an additional 12 Lbs to fully be satisfied.!

PURE Frustration & Moments of Celebration all at the same time..

Party time , once I reach my GOAL!!!!!!

Love......it's going beautifully & 'm happy in all other aspects of my life except for this one.
I'm such a stickler for hitting my goals.. I do have to admit that this entire weekend I cheated , so truthfully , I can only blame myself. To top it off, Kickboxing this month has been non-existent.
Tomorrow will have to mark a new beginning to tweak my exercise and diet again. It seems I am where I always PLATEAU, give or take like +-4 Lbs. WOO-SAH...... So now you know....More updates Soon.....
                                                                          Wishes .....LawinoJ

Randomness.....Fun Facts about me

Fun Facts about me.................or more or less Trivial things about me..

I Haven't Fooled around with these sort of games/trivial things for a while, I thought it would be an awesome way for me to reach out to all my buddies/readers all in one.

So Here Goes...........
1. I always refuse to admit_____ ~ well, not always, but i do have a hard time admitting  that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE COFFEE. I'd say it but deny my inner addiction...98% of the time. It just doesn't roll off the tongue easily.
I could quit , but why?.....( said like a true addict)

2. I won’t eat ____ ~ Ham... Bacon... or Pork for that matter. Actually I've tasted all three on a dare or trial basis to see if I was really missing out on anything and it turns out that neither of the three sound appealing to me.
3. I would like to hang out with _____________ for a day & Forever~ my DAD, RIP....God Rest his Soul.... Now that he's gone I realize I didn't take advantage of sitting down with him often enough  and didn't complete all my thoughts with him. I miss him so MUCH & think of him daily. Some days more than others, I get fixated on the moment.Awww Papa , I how I Love thee!

4. I would like to learn or experience how to __________ ~ skydiving, going to south america, backpacking to a foreign country where I don't speak a lick of the language, & surfing... The only Problem is I don't actually want to learn, I just want to experience all of them. OK Just kidding, I think that the learning processing is the EXPERIENCE.

5. Last but not least ........My favorite color is ...                                 ~ Changing by day, Purple, then Green , then Soft pink..... but it depends on my mood

I'm falling asleep soon.... Until next time , Best Health Wishes !! ~LawinoJ

For SOME time now I have been in a constant state of REPARATION, which came right after ACCEPTANCE!

For SOME time now I have been in a constant state of REPARATION, which came right after ACCEPTANCE!

I cannot expect anyone to completely understand that statement.
I barely understand it myself.
First I will begin with the definition that I approve of the most. Compliments of www.thefreedictionary.com. Here’s what it says:

rep·a·ra·tion  (rp-rshn)
1. The act or process of repairing or the condition of being repaired.
2. The act or process of making amends; expiation.
3. Something done or paid to compensate or make amends.
4. reparations Compensation or remuneration required from a defeated nation as indemnity for damage or injury during a war.

It has taken me to humbleness. Thoughts of me being hit hard with a ton of bricks has been set forth. With every step that I tried to move forward, I’ve been pushed back. So As I sat back and re-evaluated my life , I realized that life will always have its share of DISAPPOINTMENTS. I think it’s part of the journey. It’s what brings balance and even brings about greater appreciation for the blessings that we possess, big or small. I am unable to fathom anyone else’s journey, b/c my own is trying enough. Just know that whatever you are going through, when you are in the midst of it, KNOW that you are not the only one. It is true. We all go through similar things at some points in our lives. It is not important to include everyone in our trials and tribulations, but more important to seek the necessary support. So as I try to reflect the harvest season. I will bear in mind what’s meant for me. I’m only a few days to relaxation and MINDCLEARING . My major disctractions will all be severed in these next few days, as I try to center myself. So bear with me as I begin a new JOURNEY....... 

AND as always Best Health Wishes!!!!